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Partners & Conventions

Testament to the quality and professionalism of the services provided, Abbrevia has partnered and established conventions with important players in the economic/financial sectors.

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Cassa Nazionale di Previdenza e Assistenza Forense

The Cassa Nazionale is the Italian welfare trust dedicated to lawyers registered with the forensic Registries and which guarantees their social security and national insurance contributions. Abbrevia has for many years collaborated with the Cassa Forense and Professional Lawyer organisations in the management of legal debt recovery. Abbrevia’s investigations, for the purpose of repossessions, are developed with the aim of providing legal entities with personal and financial data effective for debt recovery in legal proceedings. Our Partnership with the professional Lawyers also extends to the area of corporate, private and criminal investigations to source evidence that can be used in a legal forum.

The Convention established between Abbrevia and the Cassa Forense offers lawyers favourable working conditions from a collaborative methodology point of view as well as from a financial point of view, in addition to offering ongoing technical consultation during investigations.

web: www.cassaforense.it

ANCL – National Association of Employment Consultants

Set up in 1953 and with over 6000 subscribers, ANCL is the National Association of Employment Consultants overseeing the interests of the sector on an institutional level as well as acting as a Trade Union. Abbrevia has been collaborating for many years with Employment Consultants to provide services and in-depth investigations effective for professionals in the management of various types of HR management scenarios from absenteeism to unfair competition to breach of company trust. Furthermore, Abbrevia also assists Employment Consultants in their own work as well as assisting companies in the area of credit management, both preventative credit management as well as debt recovery.

As confirmation of the collaboration with this professional organisation, a Convention was established between Abbrevia and ANCL offering favourable working conditions for the Professionals as well as ongoing training consultation in relation to investigative topics.

web: anclsu.com

GIDP – Association of Human Resource Directors

GIDP which was founded in 1977 across a network of over 4200 sector Directors representing major Italian businesses with the aim of bringing HR managers together and involving them in training and process development opportunities. Abbrevia and GIDP work together with the Association members in the areas of corporate investigations with particular focus on absenteeism, breach of company trust, and in relation to overall complex issues in Human Resource management for which investigative and more in-depth investigations are required.

web: www.gidp.it


AICS – Associazione Italiana Customer Service

L’ Associazione Italiana Customer Service (AICS), promuove lo sviluppo delle professionalità legate al Customer Service Management, proponendosi come punto di riferimento culturale e professionale in Italia sui temi della Customer Care, rivolgendosi ai responsabili delle funzioni aziendali ed istituzionali che pongono il Cliente al centro delle proprie attività amministrative e gestionali. Abbrevia è partner di AICS ormai da tanti anni e collabora costantemente con Credit Manager e Customer Service Manager associati, rappresentanti le principali imprese italiane, per migliorare e facilitare la loro professione e studiare insieme nuove soluzioni e processi.

web: www.aicsweb.it

Legenda dei simboli

Servizi premium, il Valore Aggiunto Abbrevia

La grande differenza Abbrevia? Le indagini investigate.

Ottieni l’indirizzo del debitore, ma al campanello non risponde nessuno. Rintracci un conto della società insolvente, tenti un pignoramento, ma il deposito risulta drammaticamente vuoto. Il tuo nuovo partner commerciale non è in grado di assolvere alle sue obbligazioni, quando tutto lo faceva apparire in smagliante salute finanziaria. Quante volte le azioni promosse e le decisioni prese sulla base di normali informazioni commerciali si risolvono un buco nell’acqua? Troppe.

Con i servizi Premium offerti da Abbrevia questo non accade. Si tratta infatti di indagini investigate, condotte in loco da un team interno specializzato, attingendo a fonti ufficiali e ufficiose.

Le informazioni così ottenute sono davvero attuali e affidabili, rivelano dati effettivi, domicili reali, beni esistenti, conti attivi, autentica disponibilità di un’azienda o di una persona.

Tempo di evasione Offline

Tempo di evasione Online

Informazione su Persona Fisica

Informazione su Persona Giuridica